Acts of Kindness Worksheets for Kids

We know that acts of kindness and small gestures can bring joy to others, and by helping others, we in turn benefit, especially in these stressful, uncertain times. In fact, by thinking about and doing things to help others, we can actually reduce our own anxiety.

Using the kindness worksheets below, you will help your students understand how kindness benefits everyone! 

And beyond the worksheets, please consider having your students use our online SEL Interventions. Well over 20% of the curriculum is focused on friendship, empathy, and kindness!

acts of kindness for kids

Recommended Grade Level: Elementary

SEL Skill(s): Empathy

Duration: 30 minutes


Kindness Worksheets Activity Instructions

Part One: This worksheet will help students brainstorm kind words to use when communicating with other people.

PrepPrint this worksheet and share it with your students.

Prompt:  Start a conversation with your students about kind words and why we should use them. Some suggested questions to use include:

  • “Why should we use kind words?”
  • “Has someone ever said something to you that hurt your feelings?”
  • “What could they have said that would have been nicer?”

Ask your students to fill in the thought bubbles with kind words they would like to say to classmates, a teacher, someone at home, etc.

Part Two: These worksheets will help students translate their ideas into action. The two worksheets are:

Prep: Print out or send the brainstorming worksheet and cut-outs worksheet for your students. And along with the worksheets, you may want to share your thoughts and ideas about what kindness may look like and how being kind to others will make them feel.

You can have your students add the kind words worksheet and brainstorming worksheet to their social emotional learning journal or you can use this lesson as a stand alone activity.

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