SEL Classroom Scavenger Hunt

Classroom Scavenger Hunt

This SEL classroom scavenger hunt will help students focus on doing good deeds or random acts of kindness for others.

You can choose to give a reward for good deeds completed, or even better, have the reward be feeling good for doing something nice for others! 

Examples from the classroom scavenger hunt include:

  • Invite someone new to play with you at recess
  • Give a teacher a compliment
  • Hold the door open for someone
  • Smile at someone in the hallway
  • Offer to carry something for someone

There’s no telling what simple random acts of kindness will do for someone else. So encourage your students to focus on completing as much of the classroom scavenger hunt as possible.

SEL Classroom Scavenger Hunt Reflection

After the scavenger hunt, bring your students together as a group to share what they’ve learned.

Ask how it felt to do something nice for someone, and how it made them feel.

In addition, discuss why it’s important to practice kindness and how it helps build positive relationships with others.

SEL Scavenger Hunt at Home

In addition, we have an SEL scavenger hunt for use at home. Using this worksheet, students will search for things around the home that evoke certain emotions, feelings or memories.

For example, students will look for objects that:

  • Make them laugh
  • Are part of a new hobby
  • Help them remember a trip

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