Goal Setting Worksheet

As educators, we encourage our students to dream big, but many times students don’t understand how to set goals and make plans to make their dreams a reality. In fact, many students believe results are more often a matter of luck. Using these goal setting worksheets, students will learn how to break down a goal into actionable steps that are easier to complete and make the goal more manageable.

Using an action plan template, students will write their goal at the top, and then write down each step that is necessary in order to complete the objective.

Note: Action Plan Annie is a character from the Centervention social skills game Adventures Aboard the SS GRIN. Annie teaches players to break their goal into smaller steps that can be completed one at a time. And we’re going to help you help your students with the same, exact process.

goal setting worksheet

Recommended Grade Level: All

SEL Skill(s): Emotion Regulation, Impulse Control

Duration: 30 minutes


Instructions For Goal Setting Worksheet

Prompt:  “What does it mean when someone says ‘good luck!’ or ‘you’re lucky?’

Some people think that finding a four leaf clover can bring you luck.  Today we’re going to learn how we can make our own luck!  

If you have a dream or a goal, the best way to reach that goal is to make a plan. For example, suppose you want to make the soccer team but you’ve never played soccer. What are some ways to make a plan and prepare?

  • Get a soccer ball
  • Practice at home
  • Ask a friend that plays soccer for help 

I’m sure you all have something you’d like to do or would love to have, and now, we’re going to work on creating plans to make our own luck!”

  1. Write down your goal (the thing that you want)
  2. Think about how you can make it happen (your plan)
  3. Write down your plan
  4. Follow your plan and don’t give up!

Goal Setting Worksheet For Early Elementary Students

Hand out printable.

With this goal setting worksheet, students will learn to create their own luck by deciding what they want and making a plan to achieve it.

Prompt:  Ask students to “think about a dream you have. It can be something you’ve wanted to do at home or school, etc. Write it down in the space where it says “goal” on your worksheet.

Next, think about how you can make that happen. What do you need to do, or do you need help with in order to make that goal a reality?  When you have some ideas, write them in the next spaces provided.

Goal Setting Worksheet For Upper Elementary and Middle School Students

Hand out printable.

Sometimes fear can get in the way of going for a goal. You should encourage your students to pinpoint and identify the source of their fear from the start so they don’t create obstacles for reaching their goal.

Next, write down the details of the goal, list out 3 or 4 key steps to make the goal a reality, and write a date that they will reach this goal by. 

Finally, discuss how to make a realistic end date so they give themselves enough time to attain the goal. You can also suggest a few positive affirmations that they can remind themself of when they are working hard towards this goal.

After your students complete a goal setting worksheet, make copies to keep on hand for review.  Encourage students to take their worksheet home and keep it in a place they can see it every day, perhaps as part of their social emotional learning journal.

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