Summer Worksheets for Social Emotional Learning

Summer is just around the corner and there’s so much to think about! As you tie up loose ends on campus, it can be hard to find time to pause and take a moment to recognize all of the growth that’s been made, celebrate the challenges that were overcome, and map out goals for the road ahead.

As you make plans for the summer, these prep-free summer SEL activities and printables provide you and your students with everything you’ll need to round out the year in an amazing way.

Summer Worksheets for SEL Pin

Recommended Grade Level: Elementary and Middle

SEL Skill(s): Emotion Regulation

Duration: Over the Summer


Summer Worksheets: Instructions for Educators

Lesson Prompt:

Prompt: Gather students and say, “The year is almost done! You’ve made a lot of learning and growth. What is something that challenged you this year?”

As you take answers, invite students who may have experienced similar experiences to give a thumbs up to show that many things that feel challenging to one person are also tricky for others.

Tell students how proud you are that they overcame many challenges, and also how proud you are for new and good things they tried and did too! Say, “We are going to make a celebration poster that shares some things you are proud of from the year!”

Write the word CELEBRATE at the top of the chart. Share something you are proud of yourself for with the students then model writing it on a sticky note and attaching it to the poster.

Have students write about a proud moment on a sticky note. Return to the rug and share and celebrate moments of growth together!

Extend: To extend the lesson, provide each student with a summer sendoff packet and allow them to continue working and sharing reflections of the year and plans for the summer.

Alternatively, you may wish to send students home with the packet to complete it at home as summer begins. Just be sure to show them all of the exciting activities inside and explain the adventure ahead, including a set of Summer Journal ideas and a link to our SEL Journal on this site!

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